Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Hw3 grading standard

The full score for the required part is 40, for extra part is also 40.

The required part is Qn I (2+3+3+3+2+3) + Qn II (3+3+2+3) + QnIII (3+3+3) + wacky question(4 as only four are discussed in class) = 40.

Extra credit:
Wacky question providing additional metaphor (1')
+ QnI (14')
+ QnII(5', I downweight this part as we've done most questions in past homework)
+ QnIII (8'+4')
+ Qn V (3'+5')

1 comment:

Kartik said...

Is it possible to post some statistics for the hw3, just to get an idea of how the class also did?